Billboard JAPAN


Slay Me in My Sleep



グランド・サルヴォ「 Slay Me in My Sleep」

  • 品種:CD
  • 商品番号:AMIP-17
  • 発売日:2012/08/02
  • 発売元:Preservation
  • JAN:4532813340173
  • ※画像はイメージです。実際の商品とは異なる場合がございます。
  • 販売価格:¥ 2,200(税込)
  • 加算ポイント:440pt
  • 在庫情報:入荷不可


01.The old woman and the boy.
02.She woke at three with a thumping heart: she had dreamed once more of the night they met. (19th of 試聴する
03.She was also watching on the occasion of his first break in. His face was lit by the moon, and was 試聴する
04.She quietly makes her way down the stairs as he rummages away in the room.
05.She stands in the dark for a long time. 試聴する
06.Two cups sit on the table, the kettle is on and the toast is toasting. As the sky lightens she falls 試聴する
07.He raises her gently into a chair. She tells him how to make a sling for her arm using a tea towel. 試聴する
08.They sit facing each other at the kitchen table. He notices she is missing a finger. 試聴する
09.“What’s that in your pocket?” “A photo” “Of who?” “I dont know” 試聴する
10.With the photograph lying between them, she tells him her story and they talk for a long time. 試聴する
11.The boy’s story of his faithful family dog. 試聴する
12.The story of May 20th, 1929. 試聴する
13.How, three days later, she wandered heartbroken and ruined into a mountain village. Overlooking the 試聴する
14.The lament of the regretful ghost. 試聴する
15.She asks him to pack her a bag for hospital. In her bedroom he finds a great wardrobe filled with 試聴する
16.He leads her by the arm in the old manner out into the music and the dancing light. She asks him, so 試聴する